Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Violent crime falls rapidly as UK becomes more peaceful

"The UK is becoming a more peaceful place with rates of violent crime and murder falling more rapidly in the past decade any other Western European country, researchers say. "

- And once again, oxygen does not help us breathe and water does not keep us hydrated.

 This is a perfect example of the quality of information coming from the MSM (mainstream media)

Anyone who lives in the the real world would tell you the opposite. Think about it. People have less money. Price to live is going up, i.e. food, water, energy. There is mass unemployment. The fiat currency we use is being debased every single day. How could anyone argue that violent crime would decrease in such conditions? It is absurd.

I'm not quite sure who I'm talking to when I write here. But nevertheless, I feel an obligation to warn the people around me of what's inevitably coming. It brings any sane reality-based person to the point where one could rip their own hair out in frustration at the level of stupidity of the general public. The people I see every day. They are in almost all cases distracted by minor, minor matters. Such as clothes, or television. And I'm not saying there is anything fundamentally wrong with being into either, but when the food you eat is poisoned, when the water you drink is full of toxins, when the entire world is heading for catastrophe; one should not be concerned with such trivial matters.

I guarantee every person I speak to in the street would know who Kate Middleton is, but would they know what The Bilderberg Group is? would they know what autonomous drone warfare entails? I sadly think not.

Ignorance is our biggest problem in today's world. People are just too happy to turn off the world and submerge themselves in a matrix of false cinematic visions - created for the very purpose of keeping you ignorant.

I'll have scans of my drawings up soon hopefully.

Don't fall asleep!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


Fuck any artist who is willing to sell themselves to these cunts. YOU are the problem in art today.
"one of the UK's most popular art prizes, it was announced last night."
" The smaller shortlisting – it used to feature four works – coincides with a change in the prize money this year. There will be no third prize, and the first prize pot has been increased by £5,000 to £30,000. The runner-up will receive £10,000."
" Sandy Nairne, director of the gallery and chair of the judging panel, said: "Thanks to BP's continued and generous sponsorship, the new level of prizes can be awarded and the works can be shared with thousands of visitors."

 "This year, 1,969 entries were submitted from 77 countries; 55 have been selected for the annual exhibition running between 20 June and 15 September."

This year, 1,969 artists sent their art to us from 77 different countries. 55 have been selected for the annual exhibition. HAHAHA!

The very idea that you'd allow these people to sponsor you, shows you for truly what you are.

I believe that artists should exclude and shun those who have seeked to do nothing but profit from art - but then again, it is a subjective notion that we should not be interested in profit and not a one that the art world shares with me. Profit is all art is about in today's world. Fuck the Tate. Fuck the 'National' Gallery and fuck Saatchi.

Fuck all y'all.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Robots with human brains

"A Pentagon-funded team of researchers has constructed a tiny machine that would allow robots to act independently. Unlike traditional artificial intelligence systems that rely on conventional computer programming, this one “looks and ‘thinks’ like a human brain,” said James K. Gimzewski, professor of chemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles."

"What sets this new device apart from any others is that it has nano-scale interconnected wires that perform billions of connections like a human brain, and is capable of remembering information, Gimzewski said. Each connection is a synthetic synapse. A synapse is what allows a neuron to pass an electric or chemical signal to another cell. Because its structure is so complex, most artificial intelligence projects so far have been unable to replicate it."


Tuesday, 9 April 2013


Eugenics -

 The study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Your monetary enslavement explained

The scene where the guy is cowering on the floor in fear against the monster is so accurate of where we are right now.

The problems we face are nothing new, apart from the robot armies.

What sort of human are you?

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Essence of the world's new order

'The big society'.


I think that goes without saying to most people with any brain cells. But to some it is still the dreaded lurgy of 'conspiracy theory'. - When in fact the real conspiracy theories are what gets fed to people on TV every day. Complete. Absolute. Lies. And I'm not exaggerating.

If anyone with their own mind were to go on TV and listen in without applying logic and consciousness, although they have their own mind it is still possible to be taken for a complete fool. Authority is abused, always. And when the authority is absolute, unquestionable, like such a magnificent corporation as the BBC, it becomes a great danger to everyone.

My opinion on the BBC has been molded and set in concrete now. If it's not their private hired goons who come to peoples houses demanding £145 for the act of watching live TV broadcasts, it is them selling war and death to the entire world - on behalf of the 'British' people.

You must pay to watch TV... TV serves the purpose of brainwashing, indoctrination and pushed the desired narrative of which ever state is in control of it. To pay to have my brain ladled with filth would be a slight contradiction to my principles and morals, the very idea seems psychotic to me. I can't believe people watch TV. The BBC supposedly have no bias, and report the news completely independently. Hahahaha - Okay!



DO YOU THINK YOU OR I COULD STAND ALONGSIDE THESE PEOPLE? there are even videos showing the 'rebels' in Syria, cutting heads off of civilian hostages they've captured, then are filming the bodies afterwards and making out as if Assad's government did it.You can tell cause they are wearing the same T-shirts in propaganda videos showing all the hostages alive standing behind whilst the Al-Qaeda operative rants and raves, then in different videos it is the same t-shirts, only this time stained with fresh blood. You can find that for yourself. - if you listen closely you can hear them add the term 'anarchist' into a few sentences. To most, word association is a strong tool of propaganda. Anything other than government narrative>conspiracy theory   -   Anyone who gets angry at the government and acts upon it>violent anarchist criminal terrorists. The fucking 'leaders' of the country go on holiday. Holidays which all the people out on the streets looking for free stuff(as they've been programmed to want and believe they need via TV! ) could and most likely will never be able to afford. The essence of the problem comes through even in their best attempt to mask it over with the criminal elements involved in the 'riots'. Fucking private school wankers turning up to a 'working class' area after the place has calmed down in their flash suit and ties to talk to the epsilons and try charm them, and to ensure that THE BBC GET A GOOD SHOT OF HIM IN THE DANGEROUS AND WAR TORN AREA WHERE THE NASTY RIOTS HAPPENED look at the expression on his face towards the people in front of him. This is the school he attended just like his wanker mates david and boris who went to Eton

Could you afford that?

Here's another example of the BBC doing the states work, ensuring a good shot is had of the mayor in the area:

All in all, the BBC are just another branch of government. A branch of government which is financed through fear and coercion. Al-Qaeda are a western created, funded, trained front group which is used to scare populations into accepting whatever law or thing they wish to do. NATO is the world army.

I have not even mentioned the BBC's link to pedophiles and the demons who work inside it. All the things coming to light recently about the Jimmy Saville case is absolutely shocking. The BBC are also involved in a huge cover up of that scandal. As it goes all the way to buckingham palace and the highest levels of government and religion.

Look into operation Yewtree being a cover up. It's insane.

Friday, 5 April 2013

GREAT britain

The government steals children forcibly and sells them into sex slavery. A child taken into foster care is far more likely to be sexually and physically abused. I couldn't believe it when I found out that the social services get money for each child they manage to get. Dark, dark times. This shows something worse than the state of the government though, this shows what people are willing to carry out if they are told to do so by authority, and it is financially profitable.

If this doesn't make your gut wretch, there is something severely wrong with you.

This is the place we live. God save our Queen.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Does oxygen help us breathe?

This article is a perfect example of the pathetic, helpless, slave minded, go-tell-the-teacher style culture programming which is covertly dished out to us. It is so ridiculous it made me laugh. The incredible lies passed off as informed perspective is absurd. Here we go,

"Since the gang rape and murder of a Delhi student last December there are reports of an upsurge in the number of women applying for gun licenses. Many of the applicants are professional women who want to take responsibility for their own safety because the police have failed to protect them."- the only bit of truth in the article I think. It goes on..

"National Crime Records Bureau provide figures indicating that one woman is raped every 20 minutes. "

"There is a justifiable feeling of fear and vulnerability amongst Indian women and tourists. However, is arming yourself against rape a realistic and viable defence? further research suggests that this is not the case. Women are more likely to be on the receiving end than pulling the trigger and the presence of a gun increases the chances of homicide." - because women are obviously far too frail and unable to handle a BIG SCARY loud firearm.

"The fact is a gun is far more likely to be used against the woman than used for her protection." - because the women would be incapable of defending herself when she has 17 rounds in the mag ready to punch holes through whatever they hit?!?..

"So let’s imagine you have kitted yourself out with your pink handgun, matching shoes and handbag. Would you actually be able to fire it? Apparently it’s not that easy. You need a day’s course at least in order to be able to handle it and fire with any degree of accuracy. Even then, to have a chance of hitting your target you need to be at very close range…a matter of a couple of yards." hahaha, this is laughable for any sane minded person. Or anyone who's actually fired guns before or been around them. - not saying I have, as I was born in a place where it is unusual not to be a happy and willing slave.

" I don’t mean to be facetious but the very idea of carrying a gun terrifies me. I would not feel safer with a lethal weapon on my person. I would feel scared. Scared that that gun would be used against me. Scared that it might go off accidentally. Scared that any violence might be escalated because of its presence." - what about the violence which will escalate for the soon-to-be rape or murder victim??? ever heard of the safety mechanism of a firearm??

"The problem in India will not be solved by women arming themselves. Yes some women have successfully defended themselves using firearms, but weapons are more likely to provide an illusion of security than the reality of it. Indeed carrying a weapon and falsely ‘feeling’ safe may put women in more danger than before."

So it's best to just lie back and think of Britain whilst you're being raped according to this lady.

Now if we take a trip to planet earth..

This is a gun which is unsuitable for a female to carry round ideally, but it doesn't mean to say they can't fire them. Any firearm with an awful lot of recoil is to be avoided by females, I agree. But to say that a female is safer without a firearm than with one is to defy logic and truth. It is typical of the british nature, the desired 'british' nature that the slave owners want them to have. A nation of people unable to stand up for themselves, forever needing the loving, caring police force to save the day for them. This starts early, when we're told in school, "if someone hits you, don't hit them back. go tell the teacher."   This is the beginning of our domestication.

Who would a rapist rather try and rape, a girl with or without a gun on them? It's such a stupid fucking argument to make.

This young lady demolishes that piece of shit masquerading as a news article up top..

Only slaves are unable to own firearms. But we live as subjects here in Britain, which by definition, is under domination. So stating that we're slaves is only stating the obvious.

Why do the royals get armed guards to protect them whilst out in public? what makes it so that if I or you were to go out in public with so much as a stick to protect yourself you would be locked in a concrete box. This is very indicative of the nature of our rulers. And the fact that 99 percent of people don't really question this, is even more indicative of the nature of peoples indoctrination.

The violent crime rate in Europe is highest in this country. A country where only the ruling class and criminals are allowed to be armed. The lowest is Switzerland, where the population is extremely heavily armed. They have fully automatic rifles, grenades, RPG's.. what does that say about the relationship the government has with it's people? the fact that it trusts people to have such power. The disgusting crime family which controls Britain and has invaded most of the world obviously wants their human livestock to be disarmed. It doesn't take two brain cells to figure out why.

Official info of what to do in event of rape - lie back and think if Britain. If able to dial 999, do so. Wait about 30-40 mins, perhaps think of britain a bit more whilst waiting?

Makes me sick.

thoughts i've thought and think

Good news! I rang my water company and they inform me that my water supply is not fluoridated and is not set to be, like the media was saying. I think the expansions are only in certain other places. But it's bizarre, why only have it in certain parts?

The following UK water utility companies fluoridate their supply:
  • Anglian Water Services Ltd
  • Northumbrian Water Ltd
  • South Staffordshire Water plc
  • Severn Trent plc
  • United Utilities Water plc
Northumbrian water is who I was in touch with, they only fluoridate parts of Gateshead and Tyneside apparently. Why? the woman I spoke to was completely clueless, seemed a bit of an epsilon but she was cool. I told her about fluoride, studies etc. and she was speechless, she had heard some concerns before but she didn't seem to care. She said something like "well sir, I live in an area which is fluoridated and..-took a thoughtful pause-..I don't really have an opinion on it " it shocked me, but she seemed concerned slightly with the information I gave her. I urged her to check out the website, as surely after a 30 minute browse on this site your opinion will take shape as fast as if you had just seen a jaguar two feet away from you. It amounts to something of the exact same nature.

Fluoridation of water supplies is forced mass-medication. Perhaps all the chemical attacks that have been launched on 21st century men is the reason for our current predicament. Humans were once mighty ape-like warriors, and some still are. But unfortunately, most are extremely feminine. Which I don't think is as nature intended it to be. The only thing that explains it is all the chemicals that we've been exposed to. Take a look at these:

"Additionally, BPA significantly decreased the epithelial height and round spermatids in seminiferous tubules, sperm count, androgen receptor expression, and the expression of the spermatogenesis-related genes ODF1 and transition protein 1. Our results indicate that a low BPA concentration can induce spermatogenesis disorders mainly through decreasing androgen receptor expression. The present results may bring attention to the risk of environmental BPA exposure."

BPA is bisphenol A, a chemical that is on the lining inside of tinned food, leaching 24/7 into the food we consume. It is in the plastics in drinks bottles, on shop receipts, all over the place! and it's only one chemical, there's plenty more. BPA used to be used in baby bottles, till the EU banned it.

If you have an insect infestation right outside your house, what do you do? I suppose it depends on what insect it is, but say it's ants - do you go and try and stamp on them and kill them all outright? probably not cause most of them will escape. A much more effective way is to lay down some sweet poison for them, a poison which smells and looks nice to them, possibly resembling food, they will eat it and even take it to feed their queen cause it seems so pleasant. Then all of them will be taken care of slowly but surely.

The exact same thing is happening in amongst the human race right now. A small predator class has risen up and broken away from the rest of 'civilization'. Think about it.

Think about the conditions you live in.

 Do you think they see themselves as the same species, as this?

What sort of human are you?