Sunday 9 December 2012

Do you understand the darkness that is upon us?

This is magnificent, is it not? My mind screams to add life and color to this room. I'm going to create my own room into something similar, I want to create a physical space that others could inhabit. When I paint I have developed a sense of being inside my work, it's something that I hope I can share with others when they're confronted with my work. But how the fuck does one go about doing so? And why the fuck does one want to?

 Suckinnnnnnn Davey R's phallus right here Debuffet, but you needed the dolla, right? such a nice coincidence that one of the artists that I find I have a great fondness of, produced these things above ^^ for none other than one of the nicest people alive.

I love Jean Debuffets work, it's just a shame that he didn't stab the cunt in the neck with a paintbrush when he came to visit his studio, rather than produce art for him. The evil energy that must seep from such a bag of puss can't be healthy for one to be around, I'd imagine it to be very much like standing inside a nuclear reactor.

I feel that for something new to be created, it must come out of something that is completely destroyed. And if we're to take the modern artworld as an example, what has happened to it? what is it? where is it? is there one? why does there need to be one? what if there isn't one?

Armies of biological androids await us, and make no mistake - they are ready to string us up and push salt into our wounds, if we're ever to be taken captive. If you don't understand the playing field, get the fuck out the game. Irrelevance amounts to little more than helping our enemies.

we're watching you, scum

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